Τετάρτη 3 Οκτωβρίου 2012

A brief comment to the article: “The Impact of crowdsourcing on journalism” on WWW.report.net.

By C.A. Diamantopoulos

Crowdsourcing consists an interesting development through out the media politics. As far as I am concerned I’d like to summarize the broad layers of its implication: a. data collection from every day experience of ordinary people. News organizations aggregate all information, evaluate, and exert useful stats and quality analysis of the issue referred b. breaking news as method. The crowd consist source and a journalistic instrument on the service of News organizations to conclude information with great impact and c. Tapping into points memo as a form of data investigation and quality analysis as well. 

This entire stuff seems to be a great link to a new journalistic era far a way from a custom form of making news. The fact is that newsmen have stopped interpretating the information social need as their own business by using the framework of the incidents by their own way. Writing as I do fit seems not to incorporate an holistic media acceptance any more or at least to retreat in the new ways. Crowd is source and simultaneously a participated media into the case of journalism. Collective media is the new material we’ re talking about and all the participants have the right and the ability to emerge a new assess ion of the reality and the very well said objectivity of news. They could also provoke an ignition or a demolishing of an existed establishment as David Ascher mentions with great clarity the example of the case of Trafigura defeat.Quality of information arise as another option of the Dilemma.
The fact is we all have social experience but less have the technical infrastructure to use it in the right situation.Journalism as all professional nets tends to be a tight interaction  system but the new social message consists that all people might have useful information doing for the job. So the way out of this maze could be an opening of this system to the out world with presuppositions concerning accuracy, ethics and  deontology of that matter.        

Crowdsourcing also bann a new experimentation on education issues.  Why crowdsourcing to be the only new asset in the great family of journalism and studentsourcing not to be allowed to do the same on a different place? As a professional teacher I admit students expect to be efficient without the proper stimulation but on the other
hand why is n’t possible also to obtain such course by facing the psychological fact that students seem to be a source of new pedagogical development of our professional minds and a radical action method of our effort? What cannot be proper our students could indicate as the more appropriate. This is a new performance of the crowdsourcing material blowing out everything we stood for before.  The difference is in that case we have a pole of giving advice and directing the class show but even in that situation, there are many classrooms possibilities of making projects by student action only as a result of a previous starting subject stimulation only. This is called self-action in the frame of a classroom indicated. Give it a thought! I am actually up to believe of its implication.

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